Friday, November 6, 2015


MYSORE PAK - Image Courtsey: Krithika

Sugar – 400g
Gram Flour – 200g
Vanaspati – 300g
Refined Oil – 300g
Ghee – 200g
Water – ½ litre
Maida – 1 tbsp

Method of preparation

1.      Sieve the gram flour and maida together. Mix refined oil and vanaspathi together. Keep the oil mixture over medium fire and heat it gently.

2.    Keep the heavy bottomed kadai over medium flame, put the sugar and water in it. Dilute and boil till it reaches mild string consistency. Gradually add the flour mixture in it and stir it fast but continuously with the help of thudupi / ladle. Ensure the mixture should be free from lumps.
MYSORE PAK - Image Courtsey: Krithika 

3.    Once the flour is added and it is mixed thoroughly with sugar syrup, pour all the hot oil gradually in the flour mixture. Stir it continuously & nicely. In a stage, the froth starts to appear that time add the melted ghee in it. Mix it well and take it out.

Transfer the Mysorepak in a greased tray. Spread it evenly smooth. Cut it into pieces when it is warm.

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